Presentation of the College

     Chef-Boutonne's college Sacré-Coeur is a catholic school controlled by the government. Teachers are payed by government but respect the philosophy of the school and follow the national curriculum.
The college is in the middle of Chef-Boutonne and the pupils come from 50 rural communities and 10 hamlets in the surrounding area.

      All social levels are welcomed as are all nationalities. Here the English speaking are the majority after the french.

Teaching structure :

- 4 level: 6o, 5o, 4o, et 3o

Reception facilities :

 Head Master: M. AUDOUIN Jean-Paul
Teachers: a total of 14
OGEC's President: M. David BARBARI
APEL's President: M. Damien BAUDOUIN, Mrs C. BARBARI


Modes Languages



1st language: English
2nd language: German, Spanish, Latin

Teaching organization :

- School support
- Work experience for 3ème and 4ème
- Stays in Europe
- Supervised studies from 5p.m. to 6p.m.
- Studies directed for the 6ème
- UNSS (National union of School Sport)

- F.L.E   : French as a Foreign language

Out-of-schools activities :

- Workshops sports (foot, hand, table tennis)
- Artistic workshops (Choir, orchestra, sculpture)
- Schedules arranged (football, handball, table tennis) in link with the local sports clubs

Pastoral animation :

     Catechesis and/or religious culture